Repair has always been a Soudax solution

For more than 40 years, Soudax has been innovating, developing new manufacturing technics, continuously improving the performance of its products, meeting and anticipating the most demanding technological needs of its customers.

But for more than 40 years, Soudax has been opposed to the concept of programmed obsolescence.

Even today, whenever possible, Soudax carries out repairs and even proposes technical developments on old machines, as long as they still meet customer requirements.

Soudax did not wait for the legislator, nor for sustainable development to become a trend, to ban programmed obsolescence. This commitment has been part of its DNA since 1973. But faced with the environmental emergency, our natural approach is taking shape and taking on its full meaning, it is at each link in our value chain that we now believe we are responsible.

French manufacturing
Precision and high-level technical functionality
International presence